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Here are my 10 Top reasons Why we all Need a Website for our Business in 2021

Here are my 10 Top reasons Why we all Need a Website for our Business in 2021

People ask the question...

Do I need a website for my business in 2021?

The short answer is that there has never been a better or more important time to invest in a website for your business. A website offers a wide variety of benefits for small businesses, and most of these benefits increase in value exponentially year over year, just like the Internet itself.

If your business is not on the internet bill gates quote

We understand the reasons why you might resist building one for your business: “I’m not tech savvy”, “they’re too expensive”, “I don’t have the time”, or the infamous “I have enough business and I don’t need one”. The reality is, you don’t need to be tech savvy, getting a professional website for your business can be cheap and easy, and to make it even simpler for you – not having a website is costing you time and money.

Jaydee Media Develop and Design modern mobile-friendly websites for all devices that grow your business, bring in quality leads, and great for Return on Investment.


1.  A website is an integral part of your online marketing.

Your Website is an Integral Part of Your Online Marketing Campaign. Both will improve your site's SEO and keep visitors returning. Quality web design marketing will promote user experience (UX), maintain consistent branding, and bring people back to your site again and again.

Web design and marketing go hand-in-hand when it comes to designing your website and promoting your business in marketing campaigns later.

2. Facebook alone doesn’t cut it anymore

Many small businesses ask the question: ‘do we still need a website if we are active on social media?’ The short answer is you absolutely do.
Of course, the sheer numbers of people who use social media sites mean they can be a great way of accessing new customers to your website with effective "Call to Action" buttons.

For a small business, it can be very difficult to cut through the noise. Platforms like Facebook now have over 2.7 billion monthly active users as of the second quarter of 2020, so competition for likes and clicks is fierce among businesses. Therefore, it is dangerous to see social media profiles as a good substitute for your own website.

There are a number of drawbacks to only using social media to promote your business online. Firstly, social media sites regularly change their algorithms, and this can affect the reach of your posts. Don’t be deceived into thinking that your business is reaching a large audience just because Facebook has a large number of users.

It takes just minutes to set up a Facebook page or a Twitter account, and anyone can make one. If your only online presence is a free-to-use social media account, potential customers may become suspicious of your trustworthiness as a business. Having a comprehensive and informative website, that goes into detail about your business, is a great way of quickly establishing trust among potential customers. After you have established your website, you can use social media to compliment your web presence rather than as a substitution for it.

3.  A website is more cost-effective than you might think

You don’t need to be tech-savvy to get a website. Many web development companies have very simple signup processes which make the process quick and painless for you.

It can be very cost-effective. Websites offer a better return on investment than any other form of advertising. If you’re planning to market your business, a website should be your first priority.

Over time the relatively low investment of getting a business website will pay dividends by driving you new customers and building your brand. Plus, it’s a legitimate business expense and a tax write off.

A website is more affordable than traditional advertising
Many small businesses who don’t have a website still rely on Yellow Page ads or traditional advertising to get their name out there. But is purchasing an ad in an ever-shrinking and increasingly expensive directory the best use of funds, especially if you’re trying to cut business costs? Websites cost much less than they have in the past and give you a wider reach than regular advertising.

design an online shop

4. You can sell products online via your website

Any business that sells products from a storefront now will benefit from selling products on a website as well. Selling through an online store is an easy way to increase your market and get more sales from customers who value convenience.

Online sales were on the rise even before COVID-19 kept everyone stuck at home. And these trends are expected to continue after businesses reopen to customers. So even if you don’t think of yourself as an “eCommerce” business, you can still use an online store to benefit your offline business.

It can help supplement your income when you’re closed in-person and attract new customers who will now be able to find your services and products via Google and other search engines.

And, if you don’t want to deal with the headache of developing an online shop, we are ready and willing to help - here are your e-Commerce price packages.

5. Having a website will attract new customers to your business

COVID19 teach us to "be online" whether your business "sell" products and or services. Don't be left behind.
81% of retail shoppers conduct online research before buying. The overwhelming majority of retail consumers start their journey with online research (source: GE Capital Retail Bank).

Your website can be available 24/7/365 even when you’re not. A website acts as your “always-on” business advocate during and outside of office hours.

Websites help you convert more of your existing referrals because most people still do their own research and stack you against your competitors.

6.  You can clearly showcase your products and services in the best way possible

You can show potential customers what they’ll get when they work with you by displaying high-quality photography on your website.

Presentation plays a crucial role if you want people to buy your products or services. This is important, especially if you are a startup where every customer matters.

In that case, it’s also important that we can showcase our expertise in the best way possible, and having a website can help in doing that. It gives you creative freedom. You can display your services the way you want.

You can use beautiful images, short video tutorials, and downloadable PDF instructions. The sky is the limit to what you can do.

And do you know how all this can help? Customers get what they are looking for. So, they remain hooked and go nowhere else to purchase. This ultimately helps you in establishing a loyal customer base.

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7.  A Website Proves Your Brand Credibility and establishes your place in the industry

“Where is your official website?” This is the first question you will hear when you tell people about your business.
The 21st-century consumer is a skeptic; in fact, 56% of people stated that they won’t trust a business without a website. Having a good website instantly boosts your credibility as a legitimate business.

So, if you want people to think your business is credible, contact Jaydee Media for custom website development and have a website. Only then they will take you seriously.

Your website makes you look more reputable and trustworthy.
Consumers are learning to be pretty savvy when they research online. In fact, 75% will judge your credibility based on your website design. That’s why it’s so important to have a modern, mobile-friendly, up-to-date website with a custom domain and other markers of trustworthiness. A website also shows that you are open for business during a time when there is a lot of uncertainty.

8.  Unless you’re online, customers won’t find or contact you in 2020 and beyond

When was the last time you used a phone book to find a local service? Those days are long gone. Instead, the smartphone has taken over, and now it completely dominates how people access the Internet. In 2020, the number of global smartphone users is projected to total 3.5 billion. That figure rises to 90% when you focus on 16-24 year-olds.

Crucially, they’re not just using their phones to take selfies with them. For banking, shopping, and booking appointments, young people especially now turn to their phones first. Thinking digitally is essential for small businesses to succeed in the long run. For that reason, investing in a website for your small business sooner rather than later is the smartest way of tapping into a younger audience.

You need a professional custom built website in order to compete with those local services that are already targeting customers through the web. Speed, efficiency, and ease of access are all top priorities for consumers looking for a local service. If a customer can quickly fill out an online form to book the service they need, they are far more likely to book than if they need to speak to someone directly.

9.  You can benefit from Google Searches and attract new customers.

Having a website can also get into Google’s search listings, thus making it easy for clients to find you.

You may be happy with the current size of your business, but every company experiences customer turnover. To encourage continued success, you need to attract new customers, and one of the best ways to do it is by making yourself visible on Google.

A well-optimized website can help your business rank well for a variety of search terms and attract a steady stream of new customers.

Now, if you have a website and have done its proper SEO, it will come in the top searches of Google. Apart from this, people will also be able to find you by using other keywords related to your business. This makes you more popular among folks, and more people are willing to do business with you.

Do you need professional SEO done to Rank better on search engines?

You can integrate your website with Google Maps so people can find you more easily

A website lets you embed maps directly into your content.
An embedded map makes it easy for people who don’t spend a lot of time in your area to find your business. This is particularly great if you host events, as they might attract people who wouldn’t otherwise spend time in the neighborhood your business is in.


All of your competitors are already having a website

This point might sound cliché, but it makes a lot of sense. You are not alone in the market.

There are already thousands of companies selling the same products and services that you are going to sell, and most of them would have also been having their own websites.

10. A website can encourage customers to contact you. and keep yourself in business 24/7.

A website is a great place to make your contact information easily available to potential customers. Modern website builders (more on those in a bit) also make it easy to create a contact form, which can protect your business email from spam.

So, do I need a website for my business? The final verdict

Hopefully, by now you’ve realized that the question isn’t “do I need a website for my business”, but “can I afford to not have a website in the digital era”. And the answer, if you want to continue thriving in the long term, is no. A website is one of the best investments any business can make in its future.

Finally, if you have any questions about launching a website for your business, ask away via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or complete this "I need a website / revamp my website" form.

website design easy2



So again, while you believe that not every business needs a website, we’ve shown you why every business needs a website. There’s a very small and inexpensive barrier to entry, and there is a massive opportunity to help grow your business.



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Why Do I Need a Website for My Small Business?


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Author:  Jeanette Du Toit [Founder & owner of Jaydee Media]

jeanetteAn IT (Information Technology) Professional with various skills and experience.
Google certified Digital Media Marketer.
An Experienced Web Developer, Web Designer, SEO [Search Engine Optimazation] specialist, Google Adwords + PPC; Digital marketing expert, Lead generation expert and Social Media specialist.


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